This page is a guide to what funding is available to you for academic study leave in your ACF and ACL posts.
The information below relates to any study leave you take in line with your Academic Training. For study leave relating to your clinical development, you should apply to your employing Trust for all requests and claims. Please contact the Medical Education Managers in your trust for full details.
Academic Study Leave Budget for ACFs
Your academic study leave budget is £1000 pa – a bursary to be put towards your actual research costs, attending conferences, travel associated with your research and any other bona fide research costs. There is a second funding stream that is available to pay for actual research training i.e. attending courses, of £4,500. These courses should be at credit bearing level and you should discuss attendance with your academic supervisor.
Academic Study Leave Budget for CLs
There is a funding stream available of £1000 pa, to be put towards your actual research costs, attending conferences, travel associated with your research and any other bona fide research costs.
How to access your budget
- UoB credit card. If the expense can be paid by credit card, email the details to the CAT administrator Marie Burgess and she will deduct this directly from your budget. For any other expenses, see below:
- If you are an ACF, you have a UoB Honorary Contract (i.e. you're not on staff) so you need to claim using this form Non-staff expense claim form - £GBP to UK bank only (PDF, 284kB) Send the completed form and all receipts back to Marie Burgess and they will be processed through Finance.
- If you are an ACL, you are on staff and need to claim your expenses using the UoB MyERP system. Please contact Marie Burgess for the budget code and to let her know what you're claiming and the cost.
- Travel and accommodation costs. We have a UoB travel service It's best if you phone them to discuss exactly what you need. They will then contact Marie Burgess to get a budget code.