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Posted August 15th 2019 (5 years ago)

NFDPD 2020 Call for Abstracts

The National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day will be taking place on Friday 10th January 2020.

You are invited to submit abstracts relating to research, clinical case reports, education, sustainability or quality improvement work undertaken during your Foundation Programme training.


The abstract should not be more than 200 words in length (excluding references)

Please use the following headings:

  • Background (context setting)
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Key messages

Any references quoted in the abstract should be listed at the end, using the Vancouver reference style.

Abstract submissions will be presented as oral or poster presentations. Applications describing work in progress are eligible.

Deadline for abstracts is 12:00 Midnight Thursday 31st October 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Multiple applications will be accepted up to a maximum of three abstracts per presenting author.

Presentation Type

Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be 10 minutes exactly, 8 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions. Please note that a maximum of 20 abstracts will be accepted for oral presentations, but all submissions will be considered for posters.

Poster Presentations
You will be given 3 minutes to talk through your poster to the judges.

Posters should be printed as A2 size only, if you bring a poster bigger than the required size you may not be able to present on the day.

All abstracts submitted will be considered for both oral and poster presentations.

Successful applicants will be invited to register from Wednesday 13th November.

Click here to open the abstract submission form

Good luck!

Posted July 31st 2019 (6 years ago)

Foundation School Bulletin

Information Bulletin – 01/08/2019

SCRIPT eLearning (F1s only)

SCRIPT is an eLearning programme to improve safety and competency among healthcare professionals around prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management. HEE is providing this tool to all trainees in their F1 year to support them in their prescribing practice. To access the SCRIPT eLearning modules, you will need to register here:

F2 Regional Teaching (F2s only)

Severn Foundation School runs a rich and varied F2 regional teaching programme between October and May which contributes to your core teaching hours and aspects of the foundation curriculum. As well as being a chance to network and catch up with foundation colleagues from around the patch, we hope you will find the Severn F2 Regional Teaching Programme fun, informative and useful.

All our F2s are expected to attend a minimum of four Regional Teaching Days consisting of:

  • 1 Clinical Skills day (mandatory)
  • 1 Human Factors session (mandatory)
  • 2 other Regional Teaching days of your choice

You are of course welcome to attend more if you wish!

The Regional Teaching Programme uses days from your study leave allocation. Study Leave needs to be agreed and booked prior to booking onto courses. Please see the Foundation Study Leave policy Maxcourse

In order to book into regional Teaching sessions, you will need to register on Maxcourse.

Please ensure you fully complete your personal details including your F2 Trust, your address (this helps match you with others in your area who might wish to share lifts), and crucially, your profession (Foundation Year 2) as you will not be able to book onto courses otherwise.

Once you have registered, you will be able to book onto Regional Teaching sessions. A few points to note:

  • DO book study leave with your department in advance
  • DO spread your Regional Teaching sessions throughout the year
  • DO check the calendar on Maxcourse regularly, as not all courses are available yet
  • DO NOT book into multiple sessions of the same course – space is limited, and it is unfair to block places which others could take – this applies in particular to the mandatory Human Factors and Clinical Skills courses
  • DO NOT book yourself into more than one course on the same date – again, space is limited, and it is unfair to block places
  • DO NOT cancel at the last minute or fail to show up without good cause. If you realise you can’t attend a session you have booked, log into Maxcourse as soon as possible to cancel your place

Global Health Fellowship Programme - APPLY NOW

Health Education England, Global Engagement is offering some Speciality Trainees an unparalleled opportunity to expand their professional and personal horizons and make a real difference in rural South Africa and Uganda. For GP, this is part of a four year Global Health Fellowship Training Programme and will lead to a "Completion of Global Health Training Certificate". 

This programme is available with GP Speciality Training in all English and Welsh Deaneries and for ACCS, Paediatrics and General Medical Speciality Training in many Deaneries. It is supported by Health Education England Global Engagement and Africa Health Placements. It includes a 12 month paid out of programme rural Medical Officer post (OOPE) in South Africa (equivalent to £35K in ZAR) or in Uganda (with a local salary) AHP charge Global Health Fellows a fee for their services.

Joining the Global Health Fellowship Team will advance your career. The generalist nature of medical services required in South African and Ugandan rural hospitals allows Global Health Fellows to develop proficiency in a wide range of medical disciplines including Clinical Skills, Leadership, Decision Making and Resilience and return to the UK armed with a confidence that comes from working in a resource poor setting.

You will be offered the opportunity to apply for a Global Health Fellowship after you have secured your GP, ACCS, Paediatric or CMT placement in the location of your choice. No formal interview will be required but you will be asked to meet with your local Global Health Lead. Some GHF posts, depending on location, may be competitive. Successful appointments will be decided using national ranking.

See our flyer for more information.

Severn Faculty RCGP – Faculty Board Vacancy - Foundation Doctor Representative

Severn Faculty RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) is looking for an interested foundation doctor to take a role on the faculty board. Please see below the role description. The board meets four times a year (usually February, June, September and November) on a Wednesday evening from 6pm (with a buffet) and the meetings start at 7pm. Your attendance would also be encouraged at the annual AGM which is also held on a Wednesday evening, usually in October/November – this year it will be held on 6 November 2019. The next meeting is set for 18 September 2019. This is a voluntary role.  These meetings are usually held at Engineers House, Clifton Bristol.

Role Description: Foundation Doctors Representative

Term of Office: Annually


  • Facilitate and encourage liaison between the faculty and the Foundation doctors.
  • To help the faculty and events administrators to advertise faculty events.
  • To help keep fellow Foundation doctors informed of developments in primary care.
  • To ensure a Foundation doctors perspective is considered by local policy makers and administrators.

Please contact if you are interested or require any further information.

Simulation, Innovation and Patient Safety Conference

The HEE South West Simulation Network is holding a regional Simulation, Innovation and Patient Safety Conference on 17th October at Exeter Rougemont Hotel, EX4 3SP and Invitations are cordially extended to all health care professionals and users of health care.

This free of charge celebratory event will share learning and best practice from eminent experts in Simulation, Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), Patient Safety and Multi-professional team working. We cordially invite you to submit abstracts and the best exemplars of simulation and innovations in health care will be selected for either an oral or a poster presentation. Honorarium will be awarded for the best presentations.

Dr Bryn Baxendale, Consultant Anaesthetist and Chair of Simulation Working Group, Royal College of Anaesthetist & Chair of Simulation Advisory and Development Committee, HEE will share his expertise on 'Adaptive simulation: meeting the needs of the future workforce'

As well, Sukie Shinn Project Manager for the National Simulation-Based Education (SBE) Strategy and National TEL Programme from HEE will share her strategic overview and vision of simulation-based education (SBE)’.

There will be workshops on In situ-Simulation, Experiencing A Simbulance, Virtual Reality, Moulage, TEL and Human Factors.

Six CPDs will be awarded for attendance.

For more information please see the poster of the day or website information

Please submit your 250 word abstract by Monday 19th August, – Abstract Submission.

Successful candidates will be informed by 3rd September and all successful applicants will be expected to attend the event.

Please note registration for the conference will open week commencing 29th July; additional information will be sent when registration opens

Further questions can be directed to Dr Dan Freshwater-Turner or Prof Wai-Yee Tse, co-leads of the HEESW Simulation Network via


Posted July 24th 2019 (6 years ago)

Foundation School Bulletin

Information Bulletin – 24/07/2019

This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact

GMC Licence and Revalidation - Info for F2s completing the programme

Whatever your plans following completion of the Foundation Programme, you need to be aware of your professional responsibilities regarding your GMC registration and licence to practise.

This paper explains how GMC registration and licencing works, and what you need to do on an annual basis for your eventual revalidation in 3-4 years’ time. Whether you are going on to specialty training, taking a gap year abroad, working as a clinical fellow or just doing a few locum shifts, this applies to you.

Please take the time to read this document. It will help you to ensure you manage your GMC registration and licence correctly, and engage with the appropriate appraisal and revalidation processes going forward.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with our Revalidation team.

F2 Regional Teaching

All trainees starting F2 in August 2019 need to register on Maxcourse in order to book in to Regional teaching.  To find out what Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.

ACCS Careers Day

Date: Wednesday 11 September 2019

Venue: RCEM Octavia House, London

This event is for prospective applicants with an interest in the Acute Care Common Stem – join RCEM’s ACCS Careers Day to find out more information about careers in emergency medicine, critical care, intensive care and anaesthesia and to receive guidance on applications for training in these specialties.

Event objectives:

  • to understand the ACCS application process
  • to learn about the ACCS programme from current trainees and consultants in these specialties
  • to offer participants a chance to get an answer to specific questions
  • to look at how to maximise your potential and polish your portfolio

Please click here to register.

Foundation e-learning programme

 The Foundation e-learning programme has been developed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in partnership with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) and is approved by UKFPO.

Do you need to complete parts of the curriculum on your e-portfolio which you do not cover in day-to-day practice? If so, try some of our free e-learning mapped directly to the Foundation Professional Capabilities (Training Outcomes) in the 2016 Foundation Curriculum.

The e-LfH sessions in Foundation e-Learning Programme –

Professional capability: 11 Obtains history, performs clinical examination, formulates differential diagnosis and management plan; begins with a case study to illustrate the issues and demonstrate the skills required in taking a patient’s medication history and prescribing on admission to hospital. It covers history taking and examination in difficult circumstances. You will then look at outpatient consultation, the management of febrile illnesses and working in a multidisciplinary team to organise a patient’s safe discharge.

The e-LfH sessions in Foundation e-Learning Programme –

Professional capability: 12 Requests relevant investigations and acts upon results; you discover when it is appropriate (or not) to do an investigation and what you need to consider before ordering investigations. The interpretation and practical application of investigation results is also explored.


  • Medication History Taking and Prescribing on Admission
  • Psychiatric Assessment and Mental State Examination
  • Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Recognition and Causes
  • Delirium (Acute Confusional States): Diagnosis and Management
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Mental Health Act
  • Holding an Outpatient Consultation
  • Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do
  • Hospital Acquired Fever: What to do Next
  • Infection Control: Diarrhoea in an Inpatient
  • Infection Control: Air and Blood Borne Pathogens
  • Ward Laboratory Interface
  • Ward and Imaging Interface
  • Multi-Disciplinary Discharge Planning
  • Selection of Investigations
  • Interpretation of Investigations: Practical Application

 To access the e-learning on the e-LfH Hub use your login supplied by e-LfH at the beginning of your foundation training:

Allergy: a young, evolving and dynamic specialty

The increasing prevalence of allergy has created new career opportunities in this rapidly expanding and changing discipline.

The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (BSACI) is the UK’s leading organisation for healthcare professionals caring for patients with Allergy.

To increase awareness and interest in Allergy as a specialty; BSACI is offering 30 scholarships for Core Medical/Internal Medicine trainees to attend the 2019 BSACI Annual Conference

Details of the award: -

  • Open to all late FY1 and FY2 doctors, Core Medical and Internal Medicine trainees with an interest in or considering a career in Allergy.
  • Up to £550 to cover conference fees, hotel accommodation and travel expenses.
  • The application involves supplying a 300-word statement detailing why you would benefit from this scholarship with a supporting letter from your current supervisor.
  • Abstract submission for the conference is encouraged, but is not a requirement.
  • Deadline for submissions is Monday 29th July 2019

To find out more and to apply, please visit our website

Email: Telephone number: 0207 501 3910

The Doctors for the NHS Essay Prize 2019

Doctors for the NHS are offering a prize of £500 for the best essay with the title:

“ Where have all the doctors gone – and why?”

First prize £500; second prize £200

Winning essay to be published in the BMJ, subject to editorial approval

  • Your essay should be under 2000 words
  •  Closing date for submission 31st July 2019
  •  Essays should be submitted by email to:
  • Any questions about the competition can be sent to this address

Doctors for the NHS was founded in 1976. It is the only professional medical organisation whose sole purpose is to fight for the NHS and the public it serves.

Membership is open to all doctors who share these commitments. Why not join us?

Find out more about us at

Neuroscience for Psychiatrists Update Day

Join us for a fascinating series of presentations on the cutting edge neuroscience that is helping to shape our understanding of mental health conditions. This one-day event is aimed at all psychiatrists and others with an interest in neuroscience.

Wednesday 18th September 2019
University of Bristol, School of Chemistry

  • Research
  • Techniques
  • Computational
  • Neuroscience
  • Genetics
  • Epigenetics
  • Developmental
  • Psychiatry
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Psychosis
  • Addictions

Only £10 including refreshments and lunch

Register now:

Posted May 16th 2019 (6 years ago)

Foundation School Bulletin

Information Bulletin – 15/05/2019

This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact

F2 Regional Teaching

All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.


Quality Improvement Forum Severn Deanery

Have you or your team been involved in a Quality Improvement project that you want to share? 

This year's Quality Improvement Forum will showcase work from all junior doctors from the Deanery and an opportunity to share and celebrate outstanding practice. Come and meet other quality champions and share your work. The top 6 abstracts will be shortlisted, with the 3 best oral or poster presentations announced on the day for prizes. Refreshments will be provided and certificates given to all presenters.

You are all invited to submit abstracts for the annual Quality Improvement Forum on the 24th July 2019. 

The deadline for abstract submissions is 28th June 2019, by 23:59. 

In order to preview numbers for presenters/facilities/refreshments please complete a short doodle survey to let us know if you would be interested. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Adrian Tsui, Tom Barrow

UHBristol QI Fellows


Preparation for Core Surgical Trainee Interviews

Saturday 22nd June 2019

This half day seminar will guide you through the application process for surgical core training posts. The seminar will cover what to expect and how to prepare through a combination of lectures and workshops focusing on portfolios, management and clinical stations.

Why attend

  • - Understand more about the surgical core training interview process
  • - Understand how to prepare your portfolio properly
  • - Leave with practical advice and a list of actions to improve your own portfolio
  • - Hear from recent core trainees about their experience of the interview process, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss

To register on the course please follow this link -

I hope that this is of assistance and that you will be able to join us for what is set to be an thought-provoking and instructive day. 

Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any queries

Best Regards

Rebecca Speirs


Medical Scholarships 2019

To increase awareness and interest in Allergy as a specialty; BSACI is offering 30 scholarships for late Foundation Year 1 and Foundation year 2 doctors/ Core Medical / Internal Medicine trainees to attend the BSACI Annual Conference in Harrogate 3-5th October 2019. 

Information about the meeting and scholarships can be found at the Abstracts/Awards & Fellowships section

Details of the award:

1. Open to all late Foundation Year 1 and Foundation year 2 doctors, Core Medical and    Internal Medicine trainees with an interest in or considering a career in Allergy.

2. Up to £550 to cover conference fees, hotel accommodation and travel expenses.

3. The application involves supplying a 300-word statement detailing why the applicant would benefit from this scholarship with a supporting letter from their current supervisor. 

4. Abstract submission for the conference is encouraged but is not a requirement. Abstract submission for the conference is encouraged but is not a requirement.

5. Trainees who have submitted or are planning to submit an abstract will be given priority for scholarships. This should be detailed in the 300-word statement.

6. Deadline for submissions is Monday 29th July 2019

If you or any of your colleagues have any questions or require any further information please get in touch by emailing us at or by calling our office on 0207 501 3914.

Best wishes,



Regional Palliative Care Forum

The next regional palliative care forum of the year is taking place on Tuesday 14th May, 6-7:30pm in LT2 of Education Centre, Bristol Royal Infirmary.

We have talks on “Preparing for the End Stage: Living with Renal Disease” by renal registrar Dr Barnaby Hole and “Advanced Care Planning” by palliative care consultant Dr Miranda Flory.

Refreshments and certificates will be provided. Please sign up here: to help plan catering.

Any questions please feel free to email

Best wishes



STAR Annual Research Congress

The Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Group (STAR) are pleased to announce the finalised programme for the STAR 2nd Annual Research Congress. Open to trainees of all grades, this will be an exciting day of talks from national experts at the forefront of anaesthetic research. The day also allows sign off of the mandatory research section of Annex G.

Date: 14th June 2019

Venue: North Bristol NHS Trust

Cost: FREE! (Lunch included)

Confirm your free place at:

Programme Highlights:

Research updates: NAP 7, Updates in CPR, Awareness in Anaesthesia, PQIP, FLO-ELA, Major Trauma Research Network

Career guidance: Developing a research career, How to get published, RAFT and trainee research networks

Also featuring STAR Project Pitch 2019

Do you have a great idea for a research or QI project? Want to see it carried out on a regional scale? Submit your proposal to - DEADLINE 1st June. The top 3 proposals will be invited to present at the Congress, with the winning proposal chosen as our next big project.


Pathology Foundation Taster Event 

The newly launched RCPath Foundation Taster Scheme is an exciting opportunity for foundation doctors to explore pathology and see what the career has to offer. It combines a clinical taster day in your region with an event to be held in our fantastic new RCPath College building, sponsored by the BDIAP. The event will take place on Saturday 29th June at the Royal College of Pathologists new facilities at 6 Alie Street, London E1 8QT.

Come and meet consultants and trainees from each of the major specialties and talk to them about the work they do, what the training involves and the variety of opportunities that are available for trainees to pursue. You will receive advice about the application process and how to be successful at interview, as well as how to pursue academic and research opportunities in pathology. You will also be able to put the pathology specialties to the test: can they help you to diagnose what is wrong with the mystery unconscious patient in the park?! Also make the most of the chance to submit a pathology-related poster to give you another line on your application and a potential prize of £100 from the ACP. At the event you will be given support to organise your own clinical taster day in a specialty of interest to you. If you have been considering applying for specialist training in pathology and would like to know more about the different subspecialties of pathology, make sure you register for this event to explore the exciting opportunities that our specialty has to offer you!

Registrations for the RCPath Foundation Taster Event are now open. Further information including booking details for the event can be found at Foundation Taster Event and I have also attached the programme.

This is an exciting event with limited spaces so we appreciate you circulating this information in your networks.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.


UKFPO Weekly Bulletin

The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:

Kind regards,



Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.

Posted April 17th 2019 (6 years ago)

Foundation School Bulletin

Information Bulletin – 17/04/2019

This is your weekly information bulletin for the Severn Foundation School. The content of these bulletins will be local and national courses and information relevant to foundation trainees which will vary from week to week. If you would like to contribute to the bulletin please contact

F2 Regional Teaching

All F2 trainees must do a minimum of 4 Regional Teaching Days, 2 of which have to be both Clinical Skills and Human Factors. To find out what other Regional Teaching courses are available to you, please click here to access our MaxCourse Regional Teaching Booking System.


Are you taking an "F3" year?

Dear F2s,

Many of you will now be putting in place your plans for life after the foundation programme. We are aware that many F2s decide to take a break from training but although we hear anecdotally why F2s take time out, we thought it would be useful to actually ask you and to find out what we can do to support your career decisions.

So, if you are not entering specialty or GP training in August, it would be very helpful if you could take a few minutes to complete the short survey below. All answers are anonymous.

If you do have a training place for August 2019, congratulations.

Thank you and very best wishes wherever life takes you,

Kind regards,

Heather Samuel

Careers Manager


UK Aspiring Paediatrician’s Society (UKAPS)

UKAPS is an organisation affiliated to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) to help to aid the sharing of ideas and opportunities with keen future paediatricians across the UK – amongst both foundation doctors and medical students. Our vision is to help foundation doctors find opportunities for taster weeks, courses, networking, exam-preparation, career planning, and more. We organise an annual autumn conference, regular newsletter, and are developing a number of national, RCPCH endorsed prize opportunities.

For more information, please visit our website and sign up to our mailing list!

We hope to hear from you soon!

Jess Laidlaw, Roshni Mansfield, Evangelia Myttarakis, and Charlotte King

(UKAPS FY reps and UKAPS president 2018-19)


UK Foundation Programme
Foundation Doctors Academic Conference

Edinburgh International Conference Centre
150 Morrison Street
The Exchange

The UKFPO will be hosting the annual Foundation Doctors Academic Conference on Friday 17th May 2019
The conference will be;
- complementary and trainee-centered
- of interest to academically minded Medical Students, Foundation Trainees and any faculty or more Senior Colleagues who are involved in Academic Foundation Training
Themes will include;
- research
- education
- leadership
- management

Abstract Submission 


RCPsych Foundation Trainee Conference

23rd May 2019, 9:30am - 17:30pm

RCPsych, 21 Prescot Street, London, United Kingdom, E1 8BB

Interested in a career in psychiatry?

Want to learn more about the future of mental health and the various career paths and opportunities available?
Keen to network with peers, specialty trainees and Consultants?

If the answer to any of the above questions is yes then come along and attend the 2019 Foundation Trainee Conference!

Broad range of talks/workshops including:
• Sub-specialty speed dating session – General Adult, CAMHS, Forensic, Eating Disorders, Intellectual Disability, Old Age, Psychotherapy
• Academic psychiatry
• Neuroscience
• Applying to core training
• Opportunities in leadership and education
• Clinical simulation

Book online for just £40

Women in Medicine Conference

We are excited to announce the launch of our 1 day conference entitled "Women Empowering Women" being held at City Hospital on 22nd May 2019


Please find attached the Conference programme, workshop details and faculty. 

This day is to empower and inspire the future generation of female physicians. We will show them 'You can be what you see!!”

We aim to get junior doctors into high acuity specialties as well as a diverse range of other medical specialties. We also aim to demonstrate and share that the experience of the Medical SpR role is one of the highlights of a physician's career! We aim to get female SpRs and Consultants into influential roles and leadership positions within management, research and academia, teaching and education, to name a few.

We have multiple workshops ranging from leadership and management to becoming a Med SpR to LTFT working and having babies to self-care.

We are honoured to have Dr Henrietta Bowden Jones OBE President of the Medical Women's Federation and Dr Emma Vaux who is RCP Senior Censor and Vice President in Education and Training speaking as well as an amazing regional female faculty!

Please spread the word - having a diverse medical workforce is evidenced to improve patient outcomes and we need to embrace and support our female physicians to strive high!

To register for the event please email


Cambridge Trauma Futures 2019

I just wanted to write to let you know of an exciting event we have coming up, Cambridge Trauma Futures being held on 25th & 26th April 2019.

Cambridge Trauma Futures 2019 is a two-day multi-professional educational event held in Cambridge, UK. CTF 2019 is a new approach to trauma conferences, reflecting the unique interaction between trauma systems and clinical medicine in the care of our patients. The conference has three objectives: to use world class trauma care within both the East of England Major Trauma Network and the wider clinical community to develop skills and understanding, to encourage networking, collaboration and innovation to improve the care of trauma patients and to learn from excellence outside of medicine.

This course would count towards your one aspirational course for your F2 year.



To Book:


SuppoRTT: Return to Clinical Practice

Free one day course to support doctors returning to clinical training from time away.
Including Hot Topics, Sims in Emergencies, Anaesthetics and Paediatrics, LTFT, KIT Days, Practical skills and supportive mentoring

Suitable for all trainees from Foundation to ST8, consultants and SAS Doctors following time away for:
 Parental leave
 Ill health
 Non-clinical work
 Fellowship or research
 Any other reason

18 October 2019
Redwood Education Centre,
Gloucester Royal Hospital

To book your place

Foundation Doctors Masterclass in Dermatology

Saturday 1st June 2019

British Association of Dermatologists, London

This masterclass is tailored to the needs of foundation doctors irrespective of future specialisation, preparing the foundation doctor to manage patients with skin disease safely and effectively, supporting them for both hospital and community rotations.

If you would like to attend the joining instructions can be found in the link below:




SWEAM conference 2019

I would like to invite you to the annual Southwest ENT Academic meeting on Friday 14th June 2019 at the postgraduate centre in Royal United Hospital, Bath.

The meeting was setup in 2005 to provide an unintimidating atmosphere for surgical trainees, junior doctors to present their audit/research work. There will be an opportunity to present your work either as an oral or a poster presentation with a chance to win £250 worth of Thieme ENT books as well as cash prize for each level (medical students, foundation trainees and surgical trainees). Thanks to our sponsors we will be able to provide the meeting for free and with lunch included.

Please submit your abstracts by 30th April and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

Please visit the website for more information:


Mr Ramkishan Balakumar

Specialty Registrar in ENT, Severn Deanery,

President of SWEAM 2018

UKFPO Weekly Bulletin

The UKFPO Bulletin has been published onto our website and can be found in the news section via the link below:

Kind regards,



Please note that the publicising of courses, conferences and events in this bulletin does not imply endorsement by the Severn Foundation School.

Posted August 3rd 2018 (7 years ago)

National Foundation Doctors' Presentation Day 2019


The National Foundation Doctors' Presentation Day is a free, annual event hosted by the Severn Foundation School and supported by the UKFPO. It displays work completed by Foundation Doctors from across the UK and Malta as oral and poster presentations under the categories; Quality Improvement, Education, Sustainability, Research/Original Work, and Case Reports.

The presentation day will take place at Mercure Bristol Holland House Hotel & Spa, Redcliffe Hill, BS1 6SQ on 11th January 2019. Applications to present, open on Wednesday 15th August 2018 and will close on Friday 16th November 2018. The link to the application form can be found here.

Multiple applications will be accepted up to a maximum of three abstracts per presenting author. Oral presentations will be 10 minutes exactly, 8 minutes to present and 2 minutes for questions. Trainees presenting posters will be given 2 minutes to verbally summarise their work for the judges. Posters should be printed as A2 size only, if trainees bring a poster bigger than the required size, they may not be able to present on the day.

All abstracts submitted will be considered for both oral and poster presentations.

Once a trainee has submitted their abstract, it will go through a shortlisting process to determine whether it has been accepted for presentation. If the submission is successful, we will inform the authors of the time and the category in which they will be presenting. Presenters will be judged and scored and a prize will be given to the winner of each category.

Key Stakeholders will be attending on the day who include Foundation School Directors and Foundation Programme Directors from across the country. Additionally, delegates, speakers and judges attend from a variety of organisations such as the UKFPO, GMC, HEE, MDU, MPS, NICE, BMA, HQIP and NCEPOD as well as the Royal Colleges.

If you have any further queries with regards to the event, please email the Severn Foundation School on or call on 01454 252 669.




Posted July 3rd 2015 (10 years ago)

Academic Dragons' Den!

Last Friday, 26th June, academic trainees from the Centre for Surgical Research, Prof Blazeby, and the Severn School of Surgery ran the 7th Audit, Research and Quality Improvement Day School of Surgery for the  Severn Deanery.

Natalie Blencowe (ACL in gen surgery) has out together this brilliant twitter 'storify'.  Read on ...

Posted January 13th 2015 (10 years ago)

Evidence-based decision making and critical appraisal skills: a course for NIHR ACFs

Venue: Brasenose College, Oxford

Faculty included: 

Martin Burton, director of the UK Cochrane Centre

Fergus MacBeth, retired director of NICE centre for clinical practice 

Richard Canter, Professor of Surgical Education

Ruairidh Milne, Chair of NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre

Richard Stephens, Data coordinator, James Lind alliance

Barney Reeves, Director clinical trials and evaluation unit Bristol

Sir Muir Gray


This is a fantastic four day residential course that is funded by the Cochrane Collaboration for all NIHR ACFs. There are 20 places available on each course and it usually runs twice a year. Talks covered critical appraisal skills with practical examples and helpful guidelines. This was interspersed with talks on the history and function of Cochrane and how they carry out their reviews, how NICE guidelines are developed as well as talks on medical leadership. It was a busy four days that fitted a lot in, along with a good social schedule providing the opportunity to meet ACFs in other specialities as well as the faculty. You're most likely to benefit from this course early in your ACF career.

Keep an eye out for the email from the NIHR Trainees Coordinating Centre as places fill extremely quickly!

Posted November 14th 2012 (12 years ago)

Review of BMA Clinical Academic Trainees’ Conference

Please see our Reviews of Events, Conferences and Meetings page for Shelley Potter's (CL in General Surgery) blog about the recent BMA Clinical Academic Trainees' Conference 2012.

Posted November 5th 2012 (12 years ago)

GP Academic Clinical Fellowship Posts – Applications open 12th November 2012

There are 3 academic posts available in the School of Primary Care, Severn Deanery from August 2013 (ST1 intake). One post is NIHR funded and the other two are locally funded.

The person specification for entry is common to all Deaneries in England.

Applications for these highly competitive posts are made by completing both the standard GP training application and the additional academic training form on the GP National Recruitment Office (NRO) website. Applicants must demonstrate suitability for a clinical GP training programme in order to be considered for an academic programme. Those making an unsuccessful application for academic training will still be considered for a standard GP specialty training programme.

Applications open at 9.00am on Monday 12th November 2012 and close at NOON on Friday 7th December 2012.

Further information is available here and also on the Severn Deanery Clinical Academic Training website and on the GP NRO website.

 Clare Whittle | GP Recruitment and Selection Manager (maternity cover)

Posted May 25th 2012 (13 years ago)

Showcase Review

The Clinical Academic Training school held one of its bi-annual showcase events on May 17th. More than 35 people people attended to hear the keynote speaker, Prof David Nutt, now Professor of Psychiatry at Imperial College London. His title was Translational Medicine of the Mind. He gave a very elegant and informative talk about neurotransmitters and receptors for benzodiazepines and the SSRIs.

His talk was preceded by those of three trainees. The first talk was from Jo Crofts, NIHR clinical lecturer in O&G. Jo gave us a huge insight into intrapartum care in the Third World, in Zimbabwe in particular, and described their translation programme of risk management for several obstetric emergencies. This is truly life saving work - both for mothers and babies. Second we heard from Johannes Von Vopelius-Feldt an ACF in Emergency Medicine who talked about the difficulties of undertaking pre-hospital emergency medicine research - in particular the difficulties surrounding informed consent with seriously ill/unconscious patients before they reach hospital. It was good to hear that Bristol are at the leading edge of research in this area. The third trainee to speak was Lucy Pocock, a GP ACF, who told us about her research undertaken as an AF2 which she is continuing using qualitative methods to look at GPs' views and experiences of End of Life care. The main finding so far is that those patients who die of non malignant disease tend to fall below the radar in terms of receiving the End of Life care they need and deserve.

The next showcase event is on October 22nd at 6pm when the key note speaker will be Prof Andrew Hattersley FRS from the Peninsula Medical School. He will talk about 'Bringing genetics into clinical care in Diabetes.' Andrew is a world renowned researcher - please put this date in your diary now.

Debbie Sharp


Posted February 1st 2012 (13 years ago)

Starter Grants for Clinical Lecturers

A grants scheme designed to provide additional support to research active Clinical Lecturers

This scheme is run by the Academy of Medical Sciences with the support of the Wellcome Trust, the British Heart Foundation and Arthritis Research UK.

It provides grants of up to £30,000 to enable research active Clinical Lecturers to undertake research and gather preliminary data to strengthen their applications for longer-term fellowships and funding.

The scheme is now open for a seventh round of applications. The deadline is 12 March 2012.

For further information email

or visit our website

Posted December 7th 2011 (13 years ago)

Academic Event Review - Academic Showcase Event - 31 October 2011

Halloween saw the third showcase event for the School of Clinical Academic training at Engineer’s House in Clifton. There was a tremendous turn out (standing room only by the end) to hear excellent presentations from four trainees followed by a stimulating and thought provoking talk from Sir Iain Chalmers, currently coordinator of the James Lind Initiative.

Natalie Blencowe and Holly Cole-Hawkins began the evening with a well prepared double act on now to develop a successful PhD application. Both have been successful in last year’s NIHR competition and they took us thorough the many steps of the application process offering tips for an optimal outcome.

Then we had a most interesting presentation from Dimitrios Siassakos, a clinical lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. His talk focussed on the different ways we engage users in the research process, avoiding the simply tokenistic role, using different examples form the current O&G portfolio.

Albur Mahabalashwar a clinical lecturer in Path and Micro presented data from a a series of studies focussing on serious infections in ITU patients and the role of certain bacterial products in denoting more or less favourable outcome for patients.

Finally Jonathan Rees a clinical lecturer in surgery took us through the do’s and dont’s of developing and using patient reported outcomes in research using his own area of liver tumours as an exemplar.

Sir Iain Chalmers then rattled our cages asking us to define the sort of research we should be doing and publishing. His title ‘ Some aspects of avoidable waste in medical research’ made us think hard about what research questions we should be answering, who should be funding us and what are our principles regarding eventual publication.

We were well ready for supper and a glass of wine at the end.

Debbie Sharp, Head of School

Posted December 7th 2011 (13 years ago)

Academic Event Review - BMA Academic Trainees' Conference - 5 November

I attended the BMA academic trainees’ conference on 5 November. The conference was very inspiring and encouraging. The morning speakers talked about their own career experiences through different paths. One had been an American rock band singer before she started medical school as a mature student and now she is a senior lecturer in pain medicine. The main message was it is never too late to start an academic career with a passion for research.

It was mentioned in the conference that there has been increasing pharmaceutical industry partnership with research groups in Europe. Innovative medicine initiatives fund 2 billion pounds each year with interested parties from European academia, small- and medium-sized enterprises, patient organisations, regulatory agencies, large non-EFPIA companies etc. Therefore there are huge funding opportunities for institutions with industry partnership.

In the afternoon, there were 8 workshops on pharmaceutical medicine, academic public health, less than full time training, medical education, career planning, academic training schemes, publication, and research design. I attended a career planning workshop which was hosted by Dr Michael Bannon, the Oxford postgraduate Dean. The message I found useful was the strengths needed for success in academia include good administrative skills, leadership, team working, finance, communication and effective/efficient work methods.

Lei Liu ACF ST2 Ophthalmology

Posted November 24th 2011 (13 years ago)

Applications for ACF posts

Applications for ACF posts closed on Monday 14 November 2011 resulting in a large number of eligible applicants for all seven posts advertised.

Interviews will take place during December and the first half of January.

Three posts in Academic General Practice are currently open for application alongside the regular VTS. The post in general surgery will be advertised later as part of the national pilot. We will also be advertising two clinical lecturer posts in December – one in Orthopaedics and one in paediatric cardiology.


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